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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Revision class on mon 28/4

A revision class for M3/4A23 is scheduled for monday 28/4, 1400-1500 in room 139.

The class will be organized on the basis of the following input (by you!):

* please let me know (in advance) if there are any specific topics that you would like to see discussed/reviewed; then I will prepare accordingly.

* If there are any problems from the problem sheets that you would like to see discussed, I will require that we do so on the basis of a serious attempt by some of you (so we can have a meaningful discussion on the basis of this attempt). I would also like to encourage you all to share your experiences with the problem sheets (between people that think they know how to do and those who are unsure; all benefit from such interactions!) I would also like to know in advance (day or two) which problems you may like to see discussed, so I can also have a look at it in advance.

So from the above you see that I will expect the class to be a dialogue and not a monologue (if it would turn towards the latter, the class will be rather short).

It is of course not essential to attend this class, so please do not feel obliged to attend if you think you may have something better to do. If any important information wrt the exam would be disseminated during the revision class (highly unlikely), I would post this information also on this website.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

2007 exam answers

Maria told me there are no answers online for the 2007 past exam paper, and indeed I also do not see it there. So I have decided to publish the 2007 past exam paper AND solution here (see left hand side margin).

Sunday, March 9, 2008

How to study for the exam?

Please for the link "How to study for the exam?" to obtain instructions on how to study for the exam.

If necessary I will be happy to organize a revision class (but you should let me know, as I would otherwise not run such a class). Also in that case, I would like to know why you would want such a class (ie what I should be doing). I am not interested in using such a class to tell you what to study for in the exam (since all I have to say is already in the above mentioned notes). But if there are bits of the course which would need further clarification, then for instance I could go over some things in class form. In that case of course you should let me know what material you wanted revisited.

Alternatively, I would be happy to answer you individual questions, subject to my availability.
Just send me an e-mail and we will try to organize some meet-up.

Good luck with the exam (preparations)!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

exam instructions delay

Some have you have come to me to ask me about the instructions for how to study the exam that I promised. Delay in putting them up is because I have not yet written the exam (despite earlier deadline). As soon as the exam has been written I will post instructions here on this blog.